Grand children... 'Nuff said...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Haden Asher has Arrived
On December 8, 2008, 12;56pm ~ 7lbs 11oz, 19.5" of joy arrived.
He's got Big-paws and Broad-shoulders, all rolled up in Cutie-Pie !
Mom & Dad are thrilled ~ and - well - the Grandparents are beside themselves.........!
Wow, who knew turning 50 would be so fun.
P.s. Yes, typical of all young boys, he can already tell you the names of all the dinosaurs on his blankie! :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Leaking like a sieve

I Emailed my friend the other day.
Big news to share ~ Tales of a grand child ~ Woes of a move...
My friend replied - "call me"... His words stopped me cold.
Nicety's exchanged - my heart sank deep...
My friend had news too, his a bit ~ bleak.
One kidney gone - RCC is back to test my friend, yet again...
My heart ached - my eyes welled ~ Silent, choked empathy, leaked from me as if I were a sieve... His voice never cracked - Brave and resolute, as my friend recanted,
His hair stark "white", a Med's induced hue - the battle rages within.
My friend's a fighter, a survivor...
Let's all Prayer with and for him.
We love you David!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
72 @ 72
Monday, August 18, 2008 my 72 year old mother {who this past week became a great grandmother} shot her age while playing golf. That's right, the perfect 72 strokes = Par!
This score, I understand, establishes a new Ladies' record at Legacy Ridge - her home course.
This score, I understand, establishes a new Ladies' record at Legacy Ridge - her home course.
But sportsfans ~ like Mr. Popeil used to say ~ "... wait - that's not all ..."
Allow me to set this up for you... The front 9 is a links style course, you know... water -lots of water- and rough... lots of tall-ball-eating-rough. As if that weren't enought there's sand-traps, wind, elevations ~ you name the peril, its there... The back nine is more conventional, offering the usual perils and challenges. It borders the woods, presents numerous water hazards to cross, parallel, etc.
You get the picture I hope -- not a course for the weak at heart. Yours truly typically loses at least a dozen balls ... and that's just on the front nine!
If you know my mom ~ you're probably not "shocked" at this 72 stroke accomplishment. We knew it was coming... For me, what's truly amazing is that she played the entire 18 perfect holes, using ONE ball... Mom never strayed, never faltered, never took her eye off the ball. How many balls have you and I lost by simply not paying attention, by allowing ourselves to be distracted. What skill, what discipline... what an example!
Congrats Mom ~ We are all very proud of and for you!
P.s. ~ there's hope for my game yet ~ its in my DNA, no matter how dormant ~ its here...
Starting out Right
Thursday, August 14, 2008
August 13, 2008 at 2:25pm - 7lbs 12oz - 20.25 inches
Friday, August 8, 2008
Happy Birthday ! ~ Danielle...
Monday, August 4, 2008
1st Load - In...

Two strapping young Warrior football players, and a local accountant [my personal hero of the day!] came over to help. The local preacher and his daughter also stopped by, to lend moral support, on their way to "the land of Mickey".
Many, many thanks to you all!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Headed for Fannin County?!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Typology... eh?
Look closely and you will notice that the horse like images are not quite what they seem, but rather "shadows" cast by a group of zebras. Interesting!
At our church we are presently attending a wonderful class entitled "Illuminating Shadows". Its focus being the numerous type/anti-type comparisons found throughout the Bible wherein New Testament Christianity is compared to Old Testament "Shadows" foretelling the advent of Christ and the New Testament Church established therein.
Hebrews 10:1-14 states,
For the Law, since it has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things, can never, by the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year,make perfect those who draw near. Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, because the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have had consciousness of sins? But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year by year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Therefore, when He comes into the world, He says,"SACRIFICE AND OFFERING YOU HAVE NOT DESIRED, BUT A BODY YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR ME; IN WHOLE BURNT OFFERINGS AND sacrifices FOR SIN YOU HAVE TAKEN NO PLEASURE. THEN I SAID, 'BEHOLD, I HAVE COME (INTHE SCROLL OF THE BOOK IT IS WRITTEN OF ME) TO DO YOUR WILL, O GOD.'" After saying above, "SACRIFICES AND OFFERINGS AND WHOLE BURNT OFFERINGS AND sacrifices FOR SIN YOU HAVE NOT DESIRED, NOR HAVE YOU TAKEN PLEASURE in them" (which are offered according to the Law), then He said, "BEHOLD, I HAVE COME TO DO YOUR WILL." He takes away the first in order to establish the second. By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, waiting from that time onward UNTIL HIS ENEMIES BE MADE A FOOTSTOOL FOR HIS FEET. For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
This text is a Type:Antitype tool. Author Wayne Jackson states, "A type is a real, exalted happening in history which was divinely ordained ... by God to be a prophetic picture of the good things which He purposed to bring to fruition in Christ Jesus".
Think of the Zebras as The Church, and the Shadows as Old Testament prophecy, etc. Wow! What a history we as Christians enjoy, what a story we have to share...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Open House

We hosted our first ever "Open House" this past weekend. That's where you invite strangers into your house and try to make'm buy it! Five different bands of wanderers passed by and took the tour. Ms. Lulu did a fine job as chief tour guide and curator. Out of the dozen or so "Openhousees" I'd reckon about 2 are true visionaries, looking to improve their stake in life.
Keep your fingers crossed!
Keep your fingers crossed!
Well, we've put the house on the market. Attempting to sell it ourselves to save that almighty 6% the realtors want... Ain't sure how it'll work out ~ not with a constricting market and all...
Always heard that first impressions go a long way -- in the real estate world, they call it "curb appeal".
Let us know what you think and most importantly ~ SEND BUYERS!
Monday, June 23, 2008
I laughed until I cried ~ several times!
I am not a Steve ___ "fan". I don't see anything funny or socially redeeming in a movie about the escapades of a "40 Year old virgin", nor do I frequent movies satirizing Biblical events... It just don't seem right i.e. Ephesian 5:4. That said...
My young bride and I went to see the new Get Smart movie this past Friday night ~ and I must admit ~ I wound up just short of "convulsion status" more than once. With herculean effort, my date kept me from completely erupting {which could have drawn a 9-1-1 call, or at least a stern chorus of SHHHHH!} I kept my lid on pretty well, but the pressure valve was really hopp'n and whisl'n... and yes, the tears were gushing...
Those of us who enjoyed Don Adams and never missed a Saturday night episode will enjoy this one. Mr. C does not try to recreate Mr. Adams' portrayal ~ who could. What he does do is create a new Agent Smart... not dissimilar from the original, yet with a unique twist...
If you enjoy a good belly laugh(s) ~ and a bit of 60-70's nostalgia ~ don't miss it!
P..s watch for the original "Sigfried's" cameo!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Stay sharp and well powered!
Way back in 1985, I walked into the lawnmower shop and bought a brand new candy apple red lawnmower. Now it was more than I could really afford at the time, but I've always tried to be a wise trader ~ buying quality, and having the right tool available for the right job...
She was state of the art, cut a clean line and even picked up after herself. Well... after years [{and years}] of hard labor, the ole mower began to skip a beat here and there, the hard rubber tires were worn through ~ she'd begun to more or less shred the grass, leaving clumped deposits all along the way... Then one day, the ole thing just quit on me.
After shopping around a bit {and suffering sever sticker shock}, I decided to just strap a new engine on and sharpen the blades. Well I'll declare ~ that old mower cuts just as clean and true as it ever did, and that got me to thinking...
... maybe if I keep myself properly "powered" and "sharp" ~ maybe, just maybe, I'll do a good job for a while still to come !
Ecclesiastes 10:10 ~ "If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success."
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Pick-up Truck Life
Friday, May 16, 2008
Word of the day - VITUPERATION!

When I encountered this word recently, I had no idea what it meant, so I looked it up. It means, abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will.
Where did I run across this word?... in Coffman’s commentary on Romans, Chapter 3.
Following are Mr. Coffman’s ABC’s, serving as reminders of what our lord Jesus Christ endured on the cross…
"A" is for his Arrest, like a criminal hunted by the law.
"B" is for his Betrayal by a friend.
"C" is for his Crucifixion and the Cross.
"D" is for the Desertion of his Disciples.
"E" is for the Encirclement of his Enemies.
"F" is for his Fainting and Falling under the weight of the Cross.
"G" is for the Garden of Gethsemane, scene of tears and blood.
"H" is for the Hall of Herod where they mocked him.
"I" is for the Inscription above his head.
"J" is for Judas.
"K" is for the Kiss.
"L" is for the Lies they swore.
"M" is for the Malefactors on the right and on the left.
"N" is for the Nails in his hands and feet.
"O" is for the Order of the governor under which he died.
"P" is for Pontius Pilate, the priests and the Pharisees.
"Q" is for the Quaking earth that shuddered as the deed was done.
"R" is for his Rejection and the Release of Barrabas.
"S" is for the Smiting of his cheek, the Spitting, and the Shame.
"T" is for the Thorns with which they crowned him.
"U" is for Unjust trials, six in all, Unjust, Unthinkable, Ungodly.
"V" is for the VITUPERATION of his foes.
"W" is for Water where Pilate washed his hands.
"Y" is for the Yells of those who hated him.
"Z" is for the Zeal of those who slew him.
and if it should be supposed that there is no word for "X," let it be remembered that "X" stands for the unknown, that Christ on Calvary was the Great Unknown, and, in that, perhaps, was the bitterest part of it all for Jesus.”
May we always remember our “ABC’s”.
Where did I run across this word?... in Coffman’s commentary on Romans, Chapter 3.
Following are Mr. Coffman’s ABC’s, serving as reminders of what our lord Jesus Christ endured on the cross…
"A" is for his Arrest, like a criminal hunted by the law.
"B" is for his Betrayal by a friend.
"C" is for his Crucifixion and the Cross.
"D" is for the Desertion of his Disciples.
"E" is for the Encirclement of his Enemies.
"F" is for his Fainting and Falling under the weight of the Cross.
"G" is for the Garden of Gethsemane, scene of tears and blood.
"H" is for the Hall of Herod where they mocked him.
"I" is for the Inscription above his head.
"J" is for Judas.
"K" is for the Kiss.
"L" is for the Lies they swore.
"M" is for the Malefactors on the right and on the left.
"N" is for the Nails in his hands and feet.
"O" is for the Order of the governor under which he died.
"P" is for Pontius Pilate, the priests and the Pharisees.
"Q" is for the Quaking earth that shuddered as the deed was done.
"R" is for his Rejection and the Release of Barrabas.
"S" is for the Smiting of his cheek, the Spitting, and the Shame.
"T" is for the Thorns with which they crowned him.
"U" is for Unjust trials, six in all, Unjust, Unthinkable, Ungodly.
"V" is for the VITUPERATION of his foes.
"W" is for Water where Pilate washed his hands.
"Y" is for the Yells of those who hated him.
"Z" is for the Zeal of those who slew him.
and if it should be supposed that there is no word for "X," let it be remembered that "X" stands for the unknown, that Christ on Calvary was the Great Unknown, and, in that, perhaps, was the bitterest part of it all for Jesus.”
May we always remember our “ABC’s”.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thieves break in...

Well, it finally happened ~ broken people, broke in.... they cut the chain off the gate, drove onto our property and stole from us!
I'm mad, I'm scared, I'm... thankful! Thankful for a lesson learned.
At the end of the day, its only stuff ~ the good book advises us as follows, in Matthew 6:19 and following,
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
I pray for calm, I pray for a forgiving heart... I pray for forgiveness for thoughts of retribution... thoughts that should not be thought ...
Monday, April 14, 2008
HOLY Cow...?

Well, here's our latest calf ~ Lady-Bug. She's a bit of a mystery... Early last spring our Longhorn bull decided to become a "traveling salesman", so we took him to sale.
We did not replace him until late summer.
Counting back the 285 days gestation period of a cow, we come up with a LBCD [Lady-Bug Conception date] circa late June, hmmm...
My guess ?... that sly ole Mr. Mulberry Bovine ~ came a court'n! No miracle here... just good ole fashioned, jump-the-fence, natural selection.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
WHOLE Turnover
Most of us are familiar with the concept of “credit” – consumer credit. For instance, when you go to the grocery store, restaurant, or gas station, you pay for your purchase[s] by cash or check, credit or debit card. One way or the other, your vendor is going to require payment before you leave the premises.
In commercial business, however, many transactions are done by what’s commonly referred to as “open account” or on credit. What this means is that commercial companies buy and sell goods and services, from one another on credit terms. For instance, Company-A buys a Widget from Company-B today, and pays for it in 30 days or so, after receiving an invoice. Unfortunately, some businesses fail ~ whether through economic catastrophe or unscrupulous business practices, i.e. remember Enron? Bottom line credit risk is the risk that Company-B might not get paid!
If Company-B exports its goods and services to foreign buyers, on credit, the risks of non-payment multiply exponentially, but… to remain competitive in the global marketplace, companies must often sell to foreign buyers on credit – exposing themselves to increased risk.
Fortunately, there are ways of mitigating export credit risk. In the world of international credit risk and export credit insurance [that’s right – companies can insure themselves against the risk of non payment], there exists the concept of “whole turnover”. In short, for an exporting company to enjoy optimum [minimum] pricing and maximum insurance coverage, a company must commit to insuring all prescribed credit risk. In a nut shell the insured cannot pick and choose the customers it wants to insure. Ready to shift gears…?
Remember the following lines from the hymn we’ve all sung?
“All of self and none of Thee.”
“Some of self, and some of Thee.”
“Less of self, and more of Thee”
“None of self, and all of Thee.”
The maturing process of you and I as Christians, unfolds as we live our lives for God.
In John 3:30 John the Baptist states, “He must become greater; I must become less.”
Whole Turnover ~ where are you and I in our Spiritual progression? Are we striving toward complete surrender, or… are we picking-and-choosing Christ’s “coverage” – protection that cost Jesus Christ his life, protection/salvation that costs us nothing, nothing more than mere obedience… Whole Turnover…
In commercial business, however, many transactions are done by what’s commonly referred to as “open account” or on credit. What this means is that commercial companies buy and sell goods and services, from one another on credit terms. For instance, Company-A buys a Widget from Company-B today, and pays for it in 30 days or so, after receiving an invoice. Unfortunately, some businesses fail ~ whether through economic catastrophe or unscrupulous business practices, i.e. remember Enron? Bottom line credit risk is the risk that Company-B might not get paid!
If Company-B exports its goods and services to foreign buyers, on credit, the risks of non-payment multiply exponentially, but… to remain competitive in the global marketplace, companies must often sell to foreign buyers on credit – exposing themselves to increased risk.
Fortunately, there are ways of mitigating export credit risk. In the world of international credit risk and export credit insurance [that’s right – companies can insure themselves against the risk of non payment], there exists the concept of “whole turnover”. In short, for an exporting company to enjoy optimum [minimum] pricing and maximum insurance coverage, a company must commit to insuring all prescribed credit risk. In a nut shell the insured cannot pick and choose the customers it wants to insure. Ready to shift gears…?
Remember the following lines from the hymn we’ve all sung?
“All of self and none of Thee.”
“Some of self, and some of Thee.”
“Less of self, and more of Thee”
“None of self, and all of Thee.”
The maturing process of you and I as Christians, unfolds as we live our lives for God.
In John 3:30 John the Baptist states, “He must become greater; I must become less.”
Whole Turnover ~ where are you and I in our Spiritual progression? Are we striving toward complete surrender, or… are we picking-and-choosing Christ’s “coverage” – protection that cost Jesus Christ his life, protection/salvation that costs us nothing, nothing more than mere obedience… Whole Turnover…
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Goal - Satan, and that little voice...

Many years ago, I fancied myself an athlete, imagine that. Late in high school, I began pursuing distance running as my sport of emphasis. Cross country races in those days were contested over three-mile courses.
Growing up on Florida’s “Space Coast” we had some rather interesting courses. Of note was the Cocoa Beach Invitational, three miles - straight down the beach. The finish line was the massive Canaveral Pier.
Elevated to perhaps 50 feet over the water, and jutting out into the ocean some 300 yards, you could literally see the finish line, from the starting line. The finish line was there in plain sight for all to see, from the start. Not an odd set up for a sprinter, but for a distance runner it posed a perceptive anomaly.
The race: Ready-Set-Bang…! We were off and running. Team-mate, Bryan and I, worked our way into the lead and settled into race pace. It wasn’t long before we had separated from the pack, now competing against each other for first and second.
Like driving past a full moon on a clear night, the pier didn’t seem to move or get any closer as the race progressed. Judgment was clouded by the worldly-illusion. Regardless, knowing Bryan had a superior finishing “kick”, at what I perceived being perhaps ½ mile from the finish, I started pushing the pace in an effort to put myself in position to win the race. Then came that little voice [from Bryan], “Its farther away than you think, don’t start your kick too soon… wait a little bit… you’ve got plenty of time…” and on it went. I listened, hesitated, slowed, and lost the race…
In life we too can see the goal, we prepare ourselves, we pace ourselves, and we prime ourselves for the final push ~ but, then… if we’re not careful and fully committed, Satan (outside diversions) can step in and cloud our spiritual judgment with worldly illusions, planting seeds of doubt, and worse…
If we hesitate, if we fail to act, we too can lose the race. The race to Salvation...
I Corinthians 9:24 – Hebrews 12:1-2
Friday, March 7, 2008
Colts & thrown cloaks

Luke 19:29-35
The story of Christ’s life and ministry is rife with the miraculous.
With the advantage of post event study and perspective, Christ’s purpose is evident to you and me. The series of events leading to his death, burial, and resurrection -as described in the gospels- is powerful and compelling. A series of events long foretold and anticipated –undeniable- right down seemingly mundane aspects, such as transportation.
The train of thought that occurred to me during a recent reading of Luke 19 may be a stretch, but if you will follow along, I think you might agree. If you’ve spent much time around animals, you’ve likely observed certain tendencies in behavior given age (let’s call it maturity, experience, or lack thereof) to certain situations and stimuli.
Working at the Husker Harvest Days Ag Industry Trade Show, one beautiful September near Grand Isle, Nebraska, I happened upon an exhibition that I found fascinating. A real life “horse whisperer” was working rank mustangs, wild horses that had been trapped somewhere out west as part of a wild-life conservation program.
As I walked up, the whisperer was slowly and methodically getting this wild untrained mustang accustomed to the feel and sensations of a rope. He explained that his goal for the afternoon was simply to get a halter on the horse. For those who may be unfamiliar, a halter is a head piece made of rope or nylon strapping, which fits around a horse’s head – much like a bridle without a bit. Its use - utilitarian, for controlling the horse.
To begin, he lassoed the horse and began conditioning it to the feel of the rope and then to the controlling influence he could exert ~ all accomplished gradually, step-by-step, pragmatically. He never forced the horse to “do” anything, rather created situations that would stimulate the horse to make the desired response. With that step accomplished, he began approaching the horse, finally able to touch it. Eventually, he worked his way to the horse’s head. As he explained, horses have monocular vision, creating unique challenges to properly approaching them from one side or another, particularly a wild mustang, totally unaccustomed to any such experience. I could go on and on about the process, but suffice it to say that after more than an hour’s diligent effort, he won the horse over and was able to fit him with a halter.
What’s my point in all this...? During Christ’s triumphal entry, just as it had been prophesied in the Old Testament, in Luke 19 Christ instructs two disciples,
· “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. … They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it.”
Miraculous? I believe so…
Prophecy fulfilled? Absolutely!
The story of Christ’s life and ministry is rife with the miraculous.
With the advantage of post event study and perspective, Christ’s purpose is evident to you and me. The series of events leading to his death, burial, and resurrection -as described in the gospels- is powerful and compelling. A series of events long foretold and anticipated –undeniable- right down seemingly mundane aspects, such as transportation.
The train of thought that occurred to me during a recent reading of Luke 19 may be a stretch, but if you will follow along, I think you might agree. If you’ve spent much time around animals, you’ve likely observed certain tendencies in behavior given age (let’s call it maturity, experience, or lack thereof) to certain situations and stimuli.
Working at the Husker Harvest Days Ag Industry Trade Show, one beautiful September near Grand Isle, Nebraska, I happened upon an exhibition that I found fascinating. A real life “horse whisperer” was working rank mustangs, wild horses that had been trapped somewhere out west as part of a wild-life conservation program.
As I walked up, the whisperer was slowly and methodically getting this wild untrained mustang accustomed to the feel and sensations of a rope. He explained that his goal for the afternoon was simply to get a halter on the horse. For those who may be unfamiliar, a halter is a head piece made of rope or nylon strapping, which fits around a horse’s head – much like a bridle without a bit. Its use - utilitarian, for controlling the horse.
To begin, he lassoed the horse and began conditioning it to the feel of the rope and then to the controlling influence he could exert ~ all accomplished gradually, step-by-step, pragmatically. He never forced the horse to “do” anything, rather created situations that would stimulate the horse to make the desired response. With that step accomplished, he began approaching the horse, finally able to touch it. Eventually, he worked his way to the horse’s head. As he explained, horses have monocular vision, creating unique challenges to properly approaching them from one side or another, particularly a wild mustang, totally unaccustomed to any such experience. I could go on and on about the process, but suffice it to say that after more than an hour’s diligent effort, he won the horse over and was able to fit him with a halter.
What’s my point in all this...? During Christ’s triumphal entry, just as it had been prophesied in the Old Testament, in Luke 19 Christ instructs two disciples,
· “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. … They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it.”
Miraculous? I believe so…
Prophecy fulfilled? Absolutely!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Diffusing Rage

At our son's wedding, upon exiting the church building to the run the gauntlet to their vehicle - wherein they were to be whisked away to their honeymoon - they chose to be showered with bubbles {rather than the traditional rice or bird seed}. They were really great bubbles ~ thousands of little iridescent globes of joy, each individual eagerly floating along on its one time, brilliant though brief voyage. Bubbles make you smile!
When it was all over, I still had most of a bottle-of-bubbles left over, so I tossed them into the cup holder in my truck... soon to be forgotten.
A few week's later, on a tight schedule and in a hurry, I was stuck in traffic. Being the "patient" man that I am in such instances {NOT!} I began to fidget and mutter... until my eyes settled on ~ the bubbles. On a whim, I picked them up, rolled down my window and started blowing bubbles. The result was amusing... I began to smile, my fellow cell-mates-in-traffic began to smile... things weren't so bad after all.
Like the little Sunflower figurines used to chirp every morning at breakfast from my Mama's kitchen shelf ~ "Swap a Smile - Trade Some Cheer - Let's be Happy while We're here!"
It doesn't take much effort ~ try it ~ keep a little bottle of bubbles - at the ready!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Night Skies in the Desert

Big Bend National Park is a Texas treasure. Located along the border of Mexico in the “big bend” of the Rio Grande river (over 600 miles west of Katy, 155 south of Fort Stockton, and 270 miles from Del Rio). Big Bend National Park is, in this modern era, remote in the extreme. Accordingly, its vast expanse is in an area of the country with little competing light i.e. commercial structures; shopping centers, neighborhoods, and the like.
If you are fortunate to experience the New Moon, or better yet [so I’ve read] a Lunar eclipse in Big Bend… reportedly it is an unforgettable, and awe inspiring experience. Witnesses say, that under such optimum nighttime conditions, the stars create a brilliant ceiling of intense starlight. Light that is pure and undiluted by diffusing illuminates.
Let’s focus our thoughts on Christianity and light…
· I Corinthians states, “There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory.”
· Isaiah tells us, “the LORD will be your everlasting light”.
· In John, Christ says "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
· II Samuel proclaims, “You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light”.
· As Paul told the Ephesians…, “Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)”
Our children sing a song, “This Little Christian Light of Mine ~ I’m Gonna Let it Shine”…
It will… if we let it…?
If you are fortunate to experience the New Moon, or better yet [so I’ve read] a Lunar eclipse in Big Bend… reportedly it is an unforgettable, and awe inspiring experience. Witnesses say, that under such optimum nighttime conditions, the stars create a brilliant ceiling of intense starlight. Light that is pure and undiluted by diffusing illuminates.
Let’s focus our thoughts on Christianity and light…
· I Corinthians states, “There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory.”
· Isaiah tells us, “the LORD will be your everlasting light”.
· In John, Christ says "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
· II Samuel proclaims, “You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light”.
· As Paul told the Ephesians…, “Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)”
Our children sing a song, “This Little Christian Light of Mine ~ I’m Gonna Let it Shine”…
It will… if we let it…?
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Gus and the Chicken

My parents, like many young couples, couldn’t wait to run out and buy a dog shortly after being married. They were living in the Oklahoma City area at the time and bought a German Shepherd puppy from a police dog breeding operation. They named their new pride and joy “Gus”. It soon became apparent that [apartment living + working + large {and growing} active puppy] was not a winning combination and they successfully talked mom’s parents into welcoming Gus onto their farm.
My grandparents were egg producers, operating a laying operation of 4,000 or so laying hens. Gus, being an adventurous adolescent by now, found it quite sporting to kill chickens. Not a good idea to threaten country folks’ livelihood. Rather than “dispose” of Gus immediately, they decided to try and break his bad habit. They bound a dead chicken up in wire, secured it around young Gus’ neck and left it there until it rotted off. While he bore the brunt of the discomfort upon himself, I am sure that all in his presence suffered, to a degree, as well. Isn’t that the way it is with sin!?
Gus never killed another chicken. You and I should be so fortunate in our bouts with sin.
Romans 7:24 states, ‘Wretched man that I am! ... who shall deliver me out of the body of this death?”
Coffman, in his commentary of this verse writes, in part,
“Acceptance of the gospel of Christ, through obedient faith, cuts the chains that bind people to their former selves, enabling them to be born again.
After conversion, the sins that people commit do not remain upon them and bind them, as formerly, but are cleansed and forgiven continually during the Christian pilgrimage.”
I John 1:7 encourages us with the reminder that ~ “if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”
My grandparents were egg producers, operating a laying operation of 4,000 or so laying hens. Gus, being an adventurous adolescent by now, found it quite sporting to kill chickens. Not a good idea to threaten country folks’ livelihood. Rather than “dispose” of Gus immediately, they decided to try and break his bad habit. They bound a dead chicken up in wire, secured it around young Gus’ neck and left it there until it rotted off. While he bore the brunt of the discomfort upon himself, I am sure that all in his presence suffered, to a degree, as well. Isn’t that the way it is with sin!?
Gus never killed another chicken. You and I should be so fortunate in our bouts with sin.
Romans 7:24 states, ‘Wretched man that I am! ... who shall deliver me out of the body of this death?”
Coffman, in his commentary of this verse writes, in part,
“Acceptance of the gospel of Christ, through obedient faith, cuts the chains that bind people to their former selves, enabling them to be born again.
After conversion, the sins that people commit do not remain upon them and bind them, as formerly, but are cleansed and forgiven continually during the Christian pilgrimage.”
I John 1:7 encourages us with the reminder that ~ “if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Mountain Lakes

At 11,000 feet altitude, things are different. In southwest Colorado, you’re right at tree-line, that point where climatic and other conditions necessary to healthy tree life, diminish to the point that trees simply don’t exist. Altitude has its positive effects too. Some people’s vision sharpens noticeably. Perhaps it’s the lack of pressure on the lens and other mechanical components of the eyeball, or just the clear mountain air… I can’t say for certain.
Regardless, good vision is a blessing in the mountains, especially in the back-country. There are magnificent vistas everywhere you turn. That said, it is not just the vistas. Sometimes, unexpected sights present themselves up-close and personal.
Hiking along, you cross a rise and happen upon a beautiful mountain lake. Weary from the morning’s effort, you make your way to the water’s edge. Climbing out onto a rock overlooking a deep-pool in the lake, you settle in for a rest… to observe and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Peering idly into the icy clear waters, you notice the movement of a school of trout out on maneuvers. While you passively enjoy their activities, nature’s unexpected elements begin to play their part in the experience. At first, the winds pick up -- rippling the water, blurring your vision. Next clouds roll in, casting the waters into an opaque state – again interrupting your view. Then, just as unexpectedly ~ the sky clears, the breeze calms ~ clear vision returns.
James 1, verses 22 and following read …
· “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
· Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
How often do we allow the unexpected winds and clouds of trouble and doubt to obscure the vision of who we are as Christians. Do you ever allow outside forces to blur your vision, impede good works?
Keep searching, studying, and perfecting your mission as a Christian.
· “But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.”
Regardless, good vision is a blessing in the mountains, especially in the back-country. There are magnificent vistas everywhere you turn. That said, it is not just the vistas. Sometimes, unexpected sights present themselves up-close and personal.
Hiking along, you cross a rise and happen upon a beautiful mountain lake. Weary from the morning’s effort, you make your way to the water’s edge. Climbing out onto a rock overlooking a deep-pool in the lake, you settle in for a rest… to observe and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Peering idly into the icy clear waters, you notice the movement of a school of trout out on maneuvers. While you passively enjoy their activities, nature’s unexpected elements begin to play their part in the experience. At first, the winds pick up -- rippling the water, blurring your vision. Next clouds roll in, casting the waters into an opaque state – again interrupting your view. Then, just as unexpectedly ~ the sky clears, the breeze calms ~ clear vision returns.
James 1, verses 22 and following read …
· “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
· Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
How often do we allow the unexpected winds and clouds of trouble and doubt to obscure the vision of who we are as Christians. Do you ever allow outside forces to blur your vision, impede good works?
Keep searching, studying, and perfecting your mission as a Christian.
· “But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.”
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Fifth Sense

I like riding motorcycles. There’s just something about the sensation of being out there on the edge. Its much more participative than driving an automobile. For one thing, your senses are much more involved. From the seat of a motorcycle one Sees, Hears, Feels, and yes, sometimes S-m-e-l-l-s… everything. Sometimes that smell might be the pleasant aroma of wild flowers. At other times it might be the stench of ripe road-kill!
Elevators are another place to experience any array of sensations along that specter from Aroma-to-Odor… Sometimes we passengers step into an elevator atmosphere that is ~ whew… ICKY! At that point we just hope against hope that the elevator doesn’t stop for anyone else on along the way… Let’s leave it that shall we!
Smells and aromas... What thoughts do they conjure up? Sometimes its pleasant, sometime its not. Smells and aromas, they entice or repel, many times with good reason.
I Corinthians tell us, “To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.”
Let’s look at the broader text,
· But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.
· For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
· To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit.
· On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.
When someone picks up “your scent” what thoughts and reactions does it conjure up? How encouraging it is to know that “God… always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.”
Have a blessed and fragrant week!
Elevators are another place to experience any array of sensations along that specter from Aroma-to-Odor… Sometimes we passengers step into an elevator atmosphere that is ~ whew… ICKY! At that point we just hope against hope that the elevator doesn’t stop for anyone else on along the way… Let’s leave it that shall we!
Smells and aromas... What thoughts do they conjure up? Sometimes its pleasant, sometime its not. Smells and aromas, they entice or repel, many times with good reason.
I Corinthians tell us, “To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.”
Let’s look at the broader text,
· But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.
· For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
· To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit.
· On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.
When someone picks up “your scent” what thoughts and reactions does it conjure up? How encouraging it is to know that “God… always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.”
Have a blessed and fragrant week!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Heaven Cheers
Young man running ~ Zaneis cheers!
Duty calls far away
Soldier ~ Wanderer ~ Entrepreneur
Christian helpmate ~ Father dear
Four blessing arrive, then six more...
On this Rock
All in God's plan
Old man running ~ flesh and bone failing...
Family in fear ~ Life in order
Fourth and long ~ Goal in sight
Soul breaks free ~ Shoulders squared
Jonesie scores ~ Heaven Cheers!
On this Rock
All in God's plan...
Thursday, January 24, 2008

M&M’s ~ this one’s for the kids, sorta…
Next time you are in the grocery store, stop and buy a bag of plain milk chocolate M&M’s. You remember, “they melt in your mouth ~ not in your hands”. After dinner, guess what… its time for dessert and a little object lesson.
Separate the M&M’s by colors, one of each color for each person at the table.
Read Acts 10:34-35 and I Corinthians 12:12-31 aloud.
In your own words, discuss the meaning of these passages, soliciting input from your family.
· God is no respecter of persons. We are all equal in His sight.
· Everyone has a talent, or talents. All of which, be they perceived by our fellow man as great or small, are valued by God. Especially, when employed in service to Him and the cause of Christ.
Next time you are in the grocery store, stop and buy a bag of plain milk chocolate M&M’s. You remember, “they melt in your mouth ~ not in your hands”. After dinner, guess what… its time for dessert and a little object lesson.
Separate the M&M’s by colors, one of each color for each person at the table.
Read Acts 10:34-35 and I Corinthians 12:12-31 aloud.
In your own words, discuss the meaning of these passages, soliciting input from your family.
· God is no respecter of persons. We are all equal in His sight.
· Everyone has a talent, or talents. All of which, be they perceived by our fellow man as great or small, are valued by God. Especially, when employed in service to Him and the cause of Christ.
Now comes the fun part, each M&M has a shiny coat of candied color, each obviously different than the next when observed from the outside. Now, each one at the table take turns taking a small bite out of each colored M&M. Next, line up the remaining pieces and peer into the inside, the heart of each little M&M. Guess what? They are all the same inside.
Just like each of you. Each one has its own unique appearance or “talent”. Each one also, is the same at its core.
Just like the church, made of diverse individuals, all with a different talent to put to work in service to our Lord.
Each unique, yet of equal value, in the sight of our God.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Tribute to a Friend
We buried my friend today, and with him, a little of myself
Elementary school playgrounds and sleepovers, Baseball & Scouting – games won and lost, adventures shared
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Mini-bikes and horses, fishing poles and 410’s
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Camping trips and swimming holes – midnight horseback rides
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Orneriness & sneaky tricks, brown sugar brownies & homemade soup, palm-frond tree-forts & great leaning oaks to climb
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Fast cars and high-school girls, road trips to the ocean and Disney World
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Adulthood, love & marriage, we hope and pray it lasts… Li’l bundled blessings are born to them ~ life begins a new
The outdoors was our realm; all things are possible now, a bit of us survives today
Leaping to the future, what might “they” say, they were faulted and fragile, nay-say? Perhaps?... are not we all…
The outdoors was our realm; all things are possible now, our life’s work, that labor of love, with God’s Grace, moves on…
We buried my friend today… a piece of him lives on
Good-bye Gray…
Elementary school playgrounds and sleepovers, Baseball & Scouting – games won and lost, adventures shared
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Mini-bikes and horses, fishing poles and 410’s
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Camping trips and swimming holes – midnight horseback rides
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Orneriness & sneaky tricks, brown sugar brownies & homemade soup, palm-frond tree-forts & great leaning oaks to climb
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Fast cars and high-school girls, road trips to the ocean and Disney World
The outdoors was our realm; all things were possible then, a bit of me died today
Adulthood, love & marriage, we hope and pray it lasts… Li’l bundled blessings are born to them ~ life begins a new
The outdoors was our realm; all things are possible now, a bit of us survives today
Leaping to the future, what might “they” say, they were faulted and fragile, nay-say? Perhaps?... are not we all…
The outdoors was our realm; all things are possible now, our life’s work, that labor of love, with God’s Grace, moves on…
We buried my friend today… a piece of him lives on
Good-bye Gray…
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Dig'n Moses' Grave

“I was digging my dog’s grave when he came to lie down beside me as I labored.”
My friend Gaye enjoyed -for several years- a companion of some stature, her dog Moses, a full grown Mastiff. The American Kennel Club describes the Mastiff’s Appearance as follows, “The Mastiff is a large, massive, symmetrical dog with a well-knit frame. The impression is one of grandeur and dignity.” The writer describes Moses as having a head the size of a basketball and the hind quarters of a horse! Moses probably outweighed me.
The Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds on the planet. Like many large dogs, mastiffs can suffer from genetic hip dysplasia, a crippling hip condition. Moses, unfortunately suffered from same and was facing a life of pain and immobility. Gaye chose to humanely end his suffering. Before their veterinarian made …the house-call… Gaye had some work to do… thus the opening sentence of this story.
After being told this story {once my eyes cleared and I could speak again} my first thought was Wow ~ what a metaphor!
Christ stands innocently by as we dig our graves of worldly deception and vain pursuits. Then, lovingly, selflessly ~ takes our place.
Philippians 2:5-8
My friend Gaye enjoyed -for several years- a companion of some stature, her dog Moses, a full grown Mastiff. The American Kennel Club describes the Mastiff’s Appearance as follows, “The Mastiff is a large, massive, symmetrical dog with a well-knit frame. The impression is one of grandeur and dignity.” The writer describes Moses as having a head the size of a basketball and the hind quarters of a horse! Moses probably outweighed me.
The Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds on the planet. Like many large dogs, mastiffs can suffer from genetic hip dysplasia, a crippling hip condition. Moses, unfortunately suffered from same and was facing a life of pain and immobility. Gaye chose to humanely end his suffering. Before their veterinarian made …the house-call… Gaye had some work to do… thus the opening sentence of this story.
After being told this story {once my eyes cleared and I could speak again} my first thought was Wow ~ what a metaphor!
Christ stands innocently by as we dig our graves of worldly deception and vain pursuits. Then, lovingly, selflessly ~ takes our place.
Philippians 2:5-8
Friday, January 4, 2008
"Sixth Sense" the movie

In one of its most gripping scenes, the young character played by Haley Joel Osment utters to Bruce Willis’ character “I see dead people…”. The hit movie was of course a work of fiction, however, now that I have your attention ~ don’t we all believe in the afterlife and eternity?
Luke 16:22ff shares with us the post-death status of -and dialogue between- Abraham, Lazarus, and the rich man. It describes in some detail, the sobering contrast between the glory of the Saved and the torment of the Lost. In verses 27-28, the rich man pleads …
'Then I beg you, father that you send him [Lazarus] to my father's house-- for I have five brothers--in order that he may warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'
So, hypothetically, I ask myself ~ how might those that have passed on before see me? Would my day-to-day behavior and activities (remember, there is no “secret sin”) make them confident in my faith and salvation, or might they, like the rich man ~ be fearful for of my eternity…?
Consider Ephesians 5:8-14
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. …."
As the old saying goes, “Work like you are going to live forever, and live like you are going to die tomorrow…”
Luke 16:22ff shares with us the post-death status of -and dialogue between- Abraham, Lazarus, and the rich man. It describes in some detail, the sobering contrast between the glory of the Saved and the torment of the Lost. In verses 27-28, the rich man pleads …
'Then I beg you, father that you send him [Lazarus] to my father's house-- for I have five brothers--in order that he may warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'
So, hypothetically, I ask myself ~ how might those that have passed on before see me? Would my day-to-day behavior and activities (remember, there is no “secret sin”) make them confident in my faith and salvation, or might they, like the rich man ~ be fearful for of my eternity…?
Consider Ephesians 5:8-14
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. …."
As the old saying goes, “Work like you are going to live forever, and live like you are going to die tomorrow…”
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Slave to the eye

If you enjoy watching Animal Planet as I do, you’ve likely run across the Eukanuba Dog Shows. It fascinates me how dog breeds have been refined over years-and-years of selective breeding to perfect mental tendencies, and physical attributes.
In 2003, following a few years of going without man’s-best-friend being part of our family dynamic, we decided to get a new dog. Based on a fair amount of research, and forethought we selected a “basenji”. In part, our decision was based on the desire for a dog that did not bark, shed, or smell. Sound impossible… its not! Our basenji “Jinx” is all those things, plus… and that’s where things get interesting. In our research, we failed to read the small-print. Basenji’s are of the Hound variety, specifically “Sight Hounds”. Like greyhounds, basenjis are bred to pursue moving objects. A VERY active breed...!
Question: Do you have any moving objects in your household?
Visual: Imagine a silent, 22 pound fanged-missile cruising your household, targeting anything that moves ~ ah, you get the picture…
Its not that Jinx wants to be a bother, she is what she is, the product of centuries of selective breeding. As a sight-hound Jinx is a “slave to her eyes”. Accordingly, she will obey that natural impulse, regardless of danger or end result.
So, the question begs asking. What is my nature? What are my motivations? Am I, are we also “sight hounds” – Slaves to our eyes…?
The positive: If our motivation is the Word of God and spiritual pursuits – wonderful! You won’t have any trouble staying on-task.
The negative. If our motivation is the world’s eye-candy and material pursuits -- Goals and successes pursued to the detriment of worship and family, we are in trouble…
The difference: Jinx is, despite all our personified treatment, a “dumb animal”. Dogs can learn tricks and behaviors, but… cannot reason. They will always revert back to being just what they are, animals. We on the other hand are made in the very image of God, blessed with the ability to reason, blessed with the guidance of God’s inspired word, so - you choose…
I Peter 1:8-9
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