Thursday, January 3, 2008

Slave to the eye

If you enjoy watching Animal Planet as I do, you’ve likely run across the Eukanuba Dog Shows. It fascinates me how dog breeds have been refined over years-and-years of selective breeding to perfect mental tendencies, and physical attributes.

In 2003, following a few years of going without man’s-best-friend being part of our family dynamic, we decided to get a new dog. Based on a fair amount of research, and forethought we selected a “basenji”. In part, our decision was based on the desire for a dog that did not bark, shed, or smell. Sound impossible… its not! Our basenji “Jinx” is all those things, plus… and that’s where things get interesting. In our research, we failed to read the small-print. Basenji’s are of the Hound variety, specifically “Sight Hounds”. Like greyhounds, basenjis are bred to pursue moving objects. A VERY active breed...!

Question: Do you have any moving objects in your household?

Visual: Imagine a silent, 22 pound fanged-missile cruising your household, targeting anything that moves ~ ah, you get the picture…

Its not that Jinx wants to be a bother, she is what she is, the product of centuries of selective breeding. As a sight-hound Jinx is a “slave to her eyes”. Accordingly, she will obey that natural impulse, regardless of danger or end result.

So, the question begs asking. What is my nature? What are my motivations? Am I, are we also “sight hounds” – Slaves to our eyes…?

The positive: If our motivation is the Word of God and spiritual pursuits – wonderful! You won’t have any trouble staying on-task.

The negative. If our motivation is the world’s eye-candy and material pursuits -- Goals and successes pursued to the detriment of worship and family, we are in trouble…

The difference: Jinx is, despite all our personified treatment, a “dumb animal”. Dogs can learn tricks and behaviors, but… cannot reason. They will always revert back to being just what they are, animals. We on the other hand are made in the very image of God, blessed with the ability to reason, blessed with the guidance of God’s inspired word, so - you choose…

I Peter 1:8-9

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