Friday, May 16, 2008

Word of the day - VITUPERATION!

When I encountered this word recently, I had no idea what it meant, so I looked it up. It means, abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will.

Where did I run across this word?... in Coffman’s commentary on Romans, Chapter 3.

Following are Mr. Coffman’s ABC’s, serving as reminders of what our lord Jesus Christ endured on the cross…

"A" is for his Arrest, like a criminal hunted by the law.
"B" is for his Betrayal by a friend.
"C" is for his Crucifixion and the Cross.
"D" is for the Desertion of his Disciples.
"E" is for the Encirclement of his Enemies.
"F" is for his Fainting and Falling under the weight of the Cross.
"G" is for the Garden of Gethsemane, scene of tears and blood.
"H" is for the Hall of Herod where they mocked him.
"I" is for the Inscription above his head.
"J" is for Judas.
"K" is for the Kiss.
"L" is for the Lies they swore.
"M" is for the Malefactors on the right and on the left.
"N" is for the Nails in his hands and feet.
"O" is for the Order of the governor under which he died.
"P" is for Pontius Pilate, the priests and the Pharisees.
"Q" is for the Quaking earth that shuddered as the deed was done.
"R" is for his Rejection and the Release of Barrabas.
"S" is for the Smiting of his cheek, the Spitting, and the Shame.
"T" is for the Thorns with which they crowned him.
"U" is for Unjust trials, six in all, Unjust, Unthinkable, Ungodly.
"V" is for the VITUPERATION of his foes.
"W" is for Water where Pilate washed his hands.
"Y" is for the Yells of those who hated him.
"Z" is for the Zeal of those who slew him.
and if it should be supposed that there is no word for "X," let it be remembered that "X" stands for the unknown, that Christ on Calvary was the Great Unknown, and, in that, perhaps, was the bitterest part of it all for Jesus.”

May we always remember our “ABC’s”.

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