Monday, July 27, 2009

First Fruits

A kind gardening friend of ours has allowed us priveleged access to fresh tomatoes and okra, this our first summer in Fannin county. What a treat!

Last night we sat down to a vegetable dinner; fresh fried okra, slice tomatoes, corn, and green beans. It was our first okra of the season and Top-hand did a tremendous job frying it to perfection {with a dash of B.D. of course}. I was immediately inspired to text a friend of mine just to let him know how {Oh Baby!} great it was. His reply, "save some" ~ my retort... Sorry.

Tonight we fried some of that same okra, a day after being picked and layed out, and... it was very "good", but not... First Fruits. I commented to Top-hand that we likely had enough to share tonight :0) Then, it occured to me...

Genesis 4: 3-5

"So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the LORD of the fruit of the ground. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions And the LORD had regard for Abel and for his offering; but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell."

Ah, so that's what "first fruits" are all about... Are we willing to share our very best?!

Let it Rain!

Well, two months into the process - the house has hit a slow spot. Drywall man is running a couple weeks behind... plus its raining today ~ supposed to rain all week!

One thing we've learned since we have animals to "feed" when the grass don't grow is never, NEVER complain about the rain, so.... Let it rain!

The house will come along in due time.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Got an interesting email from #2 son today. He's finishing up two weeks animation training in Aberdeen Scotland ~ good ole Caledonia!

"I just saw the Queen of England! The office building I am working in is right next to the airport, so the guys here have a telescope to see when the royals or other important people come in. We just saw the Queen land, her dogs get into a Range Rover and then she came out of the plane and got in another Range Rover. Apparently their vacation castle is near Aberdeen. Not a bad way to end my trip. I will be flying home in the morning."

Life's an adventure ~ breath it in!