Monday, August 25, 2008

Leaking like a sieve

I Emailed my friend the other day.
Big news to share ~ Tales of a grand child ~ Woes of a move...
My friend replied - "call me"... His words stopped me cold.
Nicety's exchanged - my heart sank deep...
My friend had news too, his a bit ~ bleak.
One kidney gone - RCC is back to test my friend, yet again...
My heart ached - my eyes welled ~ Silent, choked empathy, leaked from me as if I were a sieve... His voice never cracked - Brave and resolute, as my friend recanted,
His hair stark "white", a Med's induced hue - the battle rages within.
My friend's a fighter, a survivor...
Let's all Prayer with and for him.
We love you David!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

72 @ 72

Monday, August 18, 2008 my 72 year old mother {who this past week became a great grandmother} shot her age while playing golf. That's right, the perfect 72 strokes = Par!

This score, I understand, establishes a new Ladies' record at Legacy Ridge - her home course.

But sportsfans ~ like Mr. Popeil used to say ~ "... wait - that's not all ..."

Allow me to set this up for you... The front 9 is a links style course, you know... water -lots of water- and rough... lots of tall-ball-eating-rough. As if that weren't enought there's sand-traps, wind, elevations ~ you name the peril, its there... The back nine is more conventional, offering the usual perils and challenges. It borders the woods, presents numerous water hazards to cross, parallel, etc.

You get the picture I hope -- not a course for the weak at heart. Yours truly typically loses at least a dozen balls ... and that's just on the front nine!

If you know my mom ~ you're probably not "shocked" at this 72 stroke accomplishment. We knew it was coming... For me, what's truly amazing is that she played the entire 18 perfect holes, using ONE ball... Mom never strayed, never faltered, never took her eye off the ball. How many balls have you and I lost by simply not paying attention, by allowing ourselves to be distracted. What skill, what discipline... what an example!

Congrats Mom ~ We are all very proud of and for you!

P.s. ~ there's hope for my game yet ~ its in my DNA, no matter how dormant ~ its here...

Starting out Right

Jacey Dae made her first Sunday on earth, her first Sunday in Worship. Life's all about priority and perspective.
Great start Li'l Princess!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

August 13, 2008 at 2:25pm - 7lbs 12oz - 20.25 inches

She's here, shhh.... Miss Jacey Dae has arrived. Mom did great, Dad did great, Everyone is just, well ~ Gah-Gah!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Birthday ! ~ Danielle...

Hey D ~ happy birthday girl! We thought we'd get together and thank our #1 Fan and wish her all the best on this her very special day.

From what this Barking Donkey fellow tells us ~ you're carrying a precious payload to boot. Congrats!

Take care now and... "stay tuned"!

Monday, August 4, 2008

1st Load - In...

The first load of packed boxes have been driven to Bonham and loaded into the rental attic. Whew!

Two strapping young Warrior football players, and a local accountant [my personal hero of the day!] came over to help. The local preacher and his daughter also stopped by, to lend moral support, on their way to "the land of Mickey".

Many, many thanks to you all!