At our son's wedding, upon exiting the church building to the run the gauntlet to their vehicle - wherein they were to be whisked away to their honeymoon - they chose to be showered with bubbles {rather than the traditional rice or bird seed}. They were really great bubbles ~ thousands of little iridescent globes of joy, each individual eagerly floating along on its one time, brilliant though brief voyage. Bubbles make you smile!
When it was all over, I still had most of a bottle-of-bubbles left over, so I tossed them into the cup holder in my truck... soon to be forgotten.
A few week's later, on a tight schedule and in a hurry, I was stuck in traffic. Being the "patient" man that I am in such instances {NOT!} I began to fidget and mutter... until my eyes settled on ~ the bubbles. On a whim, I picked them up, rolled down my window and started blowing bubbles. The result was amusing... I began to smile, my fellow cell-mates-in-traffic began to smile... things weren't so bad after all.
Like the little Sunflower figurines used to chirp every morning at breakfast from my Mama's kitchen shelf ~ "Swap a Smile - Trade Some Cheer - Let's be Happy while We're here!"
It doesn't take much effort ~ try it ~ keep a little bottle of bubbles - at the ready!